The Parents' solution to child's continuing detentions over school uniforms.

Recently I had an e-mail from a parent whose child was suffering from school detentions. After suggestion that the parent read the Education Act and the Education Department web site. I later received an e-mail thanking me.

Now is the time to thank that parent as she found a loophole that is now available to ALL parents.

On the web site link below is a part of the Education Department Queensland web site under Education policy and procedure register. SMS-PR-022

About half way down the page under "Responsibilities" at part 5 is:


"5. Develop sanctions for non-complying students ensuring that students are not:

5. Develop sanctions for non-complying students ensuring that students are not:


It appears that Education Queensland did not like my suggestion of a loophole available to parents:

All you need to do is write a letter to the school and explain that you are not supplying your child the full uniform and therefore wearing the correct uniform is beyond the control of your child and yourself as you do not have the money to purchase the items and therefore because the policy of the Education Department states that your child should not be subjected to any further detention in regards to uniform breaches. And the same policy says that you cannot exclude, suspend, nor have their enrollment cancelled.

But of course not having the money to purchase school uniform items is certainly beyond the control of the parent/carer is it not?.


I wonder what sanction have been developed?


How long a detention can be given?

Education (General Provisions) Act 2006

Reprinted as in force on 5 November 2010

page 170

Part 2 Detention of students enrolled at State schools

283 Detention

(1) This section applies to a student enrolled at a State school.

(2) The principal of, or a teacher at, the school may detain the student as punishment for disobedience, misconduct, wilful neglect to prepare homework or for another breach of school discipline.

(3) A period of detention imposed under subsection (2) must not be more than

(a) 20 minutes during the school lunch recess; or

(b) one-half hour after the school program for the day is finished.

(4) However, if the principal or teacher proposes to impose a period of detention under subsection (2) on a child and the period of detention is to be served after the school program for the day is finished, the principal or teacher must inform a parent of the child of the proposed period of detention before it is imposed.

If you have read this far you should look at another Queensland web site:

It makes interesting reading.

The EGPA 2006 makes it very simple to receive a dress code exemption card for your child.

Just follow the advice in this link:

Please spread the info!

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The Rivermouth Action Group Inc

as a community service.
